Tips on Writing to Kids

Remember how fun it was to get mail as a kid? A few of Sugar's (human) friends shared advice on making your mail to kids the MOST FUN possible.

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High on the list: tell about an adventure you've been on. Camping trips and other nature excursions are particularly cool to hear about, especially if you saw any special animals.

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Believe it or not, kids want to hear about your life as a kid. Who were your friends? What was your family like? Did you have pets? What did you do for fun, and how is that similar or different than what kids enjoy these days?

Learning and developing new skills also made the list. Kids like to see that we’re all works in progress. So if you’re taking karate lessons or learning to ride a bike, they want to know.

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We heard a lot of requests for pictures of kittens and puppies. If you don’t have a kitten or puppy, a fish picture will do. And if you see a bald eagle, BE SURE to get a picture. This is very important.

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Not surprisingly, kids aren’t interested in your job - with a few exceptions. Ellison gave us a good list of note-worthy professions, and her sister Emory added that work talk is ok if you work at a sloth sanctuary. (If you are a sloth sanctuary worker, will you write to us, too?)

Lastly, Sally requests that you print instead of writing in cursive. Kindergarten taught her a lot, but unless you want her mom to have to read it to her, you’ll need to stick to neat, legible letters.

Above all else, be creative and have fun!

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